Manage Jobs

Manage and organize your job listings from your account

Job Tags: Organize your Postings
What are Job Tags?  They are a fast and simple way to organize your job postings. They can be used whether those jobs are online or offline, in a specif...
Dashboard Filters
Dashboard Filters provide an easy way to view your Online and Offline jobs, Job Tags, and, if you are a Staffing Version or Multisite customer, by Client Si...
Removing Job and Applicant Tags
You can remove tags by clicking the "x" next to the tag(s) you wish to remove from the feature you added them to. For example, you may have added ...
Sponsoring Jobs on ZipRecruiter
Sponsoring jobs through ZipRecruiter from the ATS can be done in just a few simple steps.  NOTE: ZipRecruiter actively enforces pay rate transparency o...
Offline vs Archive Jobs: What's the Difference?
When it comes to managing job postings in your Applicant Tracking System (ATS), it's important to understand the difference between Offline and Archive ...
Why can't I see any jobs or applicants?
When you log into your ATS, do you see a screen similar to the one below?  If so, don't worry! This oftentimes means that your user profile is not...
Tracking Paid Job Sponsorships Effectively
If you're looking to streamline your recruitment process and keep tabs on your active job postings, you've come to the right place. This guide is ta...