Sponsoring jobs through ZipRecruiter from the ATS can be done in just a few simple steps. 

NOTE: ZipRecruiter actively enforces pay rate transparency on all ZipRecruiter advertisement products (free and sponsored ads). If a job is sent to ZipRecruiter without pay rate information specified they will estimate the pay rate for that job on that advertisement. More on how to use the Salary field can be found here: The How & Why of the Salary Field.

From your Dashboard, scroll down to your Job Listings Grid. Inside the job you’d like to sponsor's card, click the link shown next to "Distribution'. (The link will say none, free only, or active, depending on what exposure you’ve already selected). 

Scroll to Recommended Job Boards and locate ZipRecruiter. No, you’re not crazy! ZipRecruiter has two tiles, as there are two options to choose from. 

1) The ZipRecruiter Daily option costs $16 per day and allows you the freedom to choose exactly how long you’d like the job to remain boosted. Want to sponsor on ZipRecruiter but are not sure you need to commit to 30-days? Select this option and judge by the results. 

  • After choosing to "Add", you will be asked to choose a category. 

  • The daily option is charged either every 7-days, when you cancel, or when you take the job offline.

  • You can cancel or take the job offline at any time. Simply click "Active Paid Posting" on the job dashboard and select "End Campaign". 

*Important Note: Billable days for ZipRecruiter Daily begin at 12 AM and end at 11:59 PM. Billable days are not prorated. For maximum utilization, we recommend processing any orders early in the morning to take full advantage of the sponsored time. 

2) The ZipRecruiter 30-Day Boost costs $299 and, well, boosts your job for 30-days. If you’re familiar with ZipRecruiter boosts and want to go for it or have a position with an ongoing need, this is the option for you.

  • After choosing to Add, you will be asked to select a category and be given the option to enable automatic reposting.

  • The ZipRecruiter 30-day boost is billed up-front.

  • There are no refunds for this option.

Once you complete the check-out process, your job will be boosted on ZipRecruiter. Sit back and watch the applicants flow in!