Getting your jobs live on Indeed with our ATS is simple, but there are a few key steps to ensure everything runs smoothly. Follow these best practices to make sure your jobs are shared with Indeed’s "Indeed Apply Sync" for organic (AKA free) visibility.

Enabling Free Job Boards

To share your jobs with Indeed, you’ll need to make sure the option for free boards is enabled in your account. Here’s how:

  1. Enabling Free Boards for All Jobs:

    • An account admin can enable this setting by navigating to My Account > Account Details.
    • Under the Customize & Design section, select Feature Management.
    • Scroll down to Job Postings and toggle the Free Job Boards option to ON.
  2. Enabling Free Boards for a Specific Job:

    • From the dashboard, locate the job you’d like to edit.
    • Click the drop-down menu next to the job and select Edit Job.
    • In the Edit Job screen, scroll down to the Advanced Features section.
    • Under Advanced Features, toggle the free boards option to ON.

Reaching Out to Indeed

Indeed scrapes new jobs from our XML feed every 4-6 hours. However, for new accounts, there might be a slight delay before your jobs appear on the Indeed job board. If your jobs are not showing up after 24 hours of enabling free boards, we recommend reaching out to Indeed directly to ensure your jobs are picked up from our XML feed.

How to Contact Indeed:

  • If you already have an Indeed account and a representative, you can reach out directly to them.
  • If you're contacting Indeed for the first time, you can:
    • Call Indeed at 1-800-475-4361, or
    • Email or chat with their support through the Indeed Employer Center.
    • See Indeed Contacting Indeed article for more info, if needed. 

Make sure to provide the following information when contacting Indeed:

  • Request for your jobs to be pulled from the ATS XML Feed.
  • Your company's name (as it appears in your ATS account).
  • The XML Feed ID: 55063.

Indeed may also request additional information, such as an email address associated with your account or verification details for setting up an Indeed account.

After your jobs have been located and submitted to Indeed’s quality team, ask for a confirmation email outlining when your jobs will be posted online.

Why Your Jobs May Not Appear on Indeed

Indeed Apply Sync has strict guidelines to prevent spammy or malicious postings. Occasionally, your job may unintentionally breach these guidelines and not appear on their organic board. Common reasons for disqualification include:

  • Job titles that contain terms like "sign-on bonus," "remote," or other non-standard phrases.
  • Including the location in the job title.
  • Posting multiple jobs (with differing responsibilities) in the same post.
  • Non-paying/commission-only job posts.
  • Staffing/recruiting companies posting jobs.
    • They will ONLY allow Staffing or Recruiting companies to post jobs with paid sponsorship.
  • Posting from multiple sources 
    • Indeed only accepts postings from a single source. You cannot post to Indeed from multiple sources. 
    • This includes posting a job directly to Indeed via your Indeed Employer portal; if you post a job on their platform directly, they might refuse any job sent via the ATS.
  • Generic company names
    • If your company name isn't unique, Indeed may mistakenly think you're posting from multiple sources, confusing you with a similar company title. A simple update to your company name in your account can usually resolve this issue. An account administrator can make this change by going to My Account > Account Details and selecting Company Info to update the name.
  • Job titles listed as "General Application"
    • You must post a real job and not use Indeed to simply gather applications for a future position.
  • You can review Indeed’s My job is not shown on Indeed for additional reasons.

If your job does not meet these guidelines, it may be flagged and removed from Indeed’s organic listings. Unfortunately, Indeed does not always notify users when this happens. If your job is flagged, we encourage you to reach out to Indeed to inquire about the issue and what changes need to be made for your job to appear.

For more details on disqualifications, you can review Indeed’s guide: My Job is Not Shown on Indeed.

Need Help?

If you need additional support with your jobs on Indeed, feel free to reach out to our support team. To assist you more effectively, please include an Indeed representative in the email or phone conversation, as Indeed will not allow our support team to assist directly without a member of your team involved.