Then proceed to Checkout.
- your Industry Code,
- your Workplace Policy (will the job be Remote, Hybrid, or Onsite), and
- your LinkedIn Company ID*.
*Your LinkedIn ID will be a series of numbers, not your company URL on LinkedIn. When logged in as a manager, it will look something like this: https://www.linkedin.com/company/#######/admin/ where the ####### will be replaced with your company's unique ID. Please only enter the numbers and not the whole URL.
If you have a job that you'd rather NOT send to LinkedIn but have already completed these steps, you can add the hashtag #LI-DNI somewhere in the job description. This will indicate to the LinkedIn bots to ignore this job and it will never be posted on LinkedIn.
More tips on Finding Your LinkedIn Company ID:
From the Main LinkedIn Page
From www.linkedin.com look for your photo in the upper right of the page where it says "Me"
Then use the drop-down arrow to navigate to Manage > Company
This will bring you to your Company Page. The LinkedIn company ID is the set of numbers (approx 6-9 digits) after "/company/" in the URL.
If your Company has active jobs
Please pop over to LinkedIn about how to locate the Company ID using your active jobs. That article can be found HERE under the section titled, "What is a LinkedIn Company ID, and where do I find it?"
If you are not an Admin for your Company's LinkedIn Page
This number is only visible (in most cases) to those assigned as Admins for the Company. If you are not an Admin, please reach out to someone on your team who is, so that they can locate that number for you. Our Support Team will be happy to help in any way we can, but we may not be able to locate that number on your behalf. Please let us know if we can help!