Message templates are a lifesaver when it comes to sending out those oh-so-important emails to applicants! With this feature, you can create reusable templates that automatically pull in details like the applicant’s name, position they applied for, and more. That means fewer keystrokes, less manual entry, and a faster hiring process. Let's walk you through creating or editing a message template step by step.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Accessing Message Templates

  • Start by clicking the Menu Icon in the upper-right corner.
  • From the dropdown, select Account Details.

2. Navigating to Templates

  • In the Templates section, click on Message Templates

3. Creating or Editing a Template

  • To create a new message template, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add a Template.
  • To edit an existing template, simply find the template you wish to update and click Edit.

4. Filling in Template Details

  • In the template editor, you’ll need to fill in or update the following fields:

    • Template Name
    • Template Type (Note: Some system templates may have uneditable fields)
    • Subject Line
    • Email Body
  • Once you’ve made your updates, click Save Changes.

Important Note: Some templates are system-generated, so the Template Name and Template Type fields might be locked down, meaning you can’t edit them. If this happens, don’t worry—just work around what you can update! 

5. Using Field Names

  • On the right-hand side of the screen, you’ll see a list of Field Names. These are magical placeholders that let you personalize your messages with applicant-specific info (like their name or job title).
  • Pro Tip: Don’t just type these in—copy and paste them directly from the list! Field Names can be picky and only work if entered exactly as shown.

If you don’t use the correct Field Name formatting, the system won’t recognize your template when you try to send it in the Applicant Viewer. (Yes, it’s that temperamental!) So be precise!

Available Field Names:

Here are the Field Names you can use in both the subject line and body of your message template:

  • {{ full_name }}
  • {{ first_name }}
  • {{ applied_for }}
  • {{ applied_on }}
  • {{ job_code }}
  • {{ source }}
  • {{ company }}
  • {{ hiring_manager_name }}

Learn more about using Field Names in your Message Templates here.